This is Personal
It’s about me. It’s about you.
Your intentional evolution begins with your vision of a healthier, more complete, more you-ish you, the one beneath the rubble of the conditioning of life. Give us four weeks of once weekly classes, and you will be well on your way
Maybe you want to develop self-discipline. Or reduce pain. Reduce menstrual pain.
Inhibit intrusive thoughts at will. Develop self control. Confidence. Lose weight.
Lessen frequency of headaches. Improve digestion. Become a parent. Reduce neck pain.
Manage hot flashes. Stay nimble. Maintain composure when life and those in it catch you off guard.
Take time to deeply honor the body and mind you are gifted to call your own by starting Yoga Therapy (or booking your seasonal practice update). Daily, personalized practice given from an ethical someone you trust who is in long-term contact with a lineage is how we progress on the path of Yoga.
Do you practice in summer, but not in winter? Practice on weekends but not during the week? Practice something different every day? Different teachers. Styles. It’s a great way to spin your wheels and perhaps a better way to occupy your time, but it’s far from Patanjali's vision of eka tattva abhyasa. Meaning, choose one, profound, principle-paved path instead of various, reductionistic side paths. It’s natural to want to follow an easier terrain that is prescriptive and proactive.
It’s so easy to fall into society’s one-size-fits-all trap - but don’t do it. You are better than that. More learned. Wiser. More intuitive. Sciatica? Do pigeon. Weak core? Do plank. Tight neck? Tilt your head to one side, hold it in your hand, and stretch it. Build bone mass? Do squats. Need Endurance? Do elliptical. That may all help (but maybe not), but the sciatica, the weak core, the deterioration of bone mass, the weakness - it’s not happening in a vacuum, it’s happening in you. While consulting various experts , a daily practice that address the symptoms, seeks the cause, establishes intelligent goal setting and uses time-tested tools, repeated daily and revised over time as you progress in the way Yoga, past, present and future.