Second time around

The new dates are set. The hotel is boutique. The itinerary is fire. The island is making everyone's hit list. Nature's healing intelligence will seep into your very soul, awakening a newfound sensibility for being alive. The Yoga tools we'll hone in on are chanting, breathing and meditation. The company is lit. What more can you ask for to usher in late autumn than a tropical getaway of a lifetime? Nothing.

Want to be a pioneer on our first ever retreat, this time around? Opening up registration until July 1st only.

Why does the second time around has its benefits? In the system of Yoga, the more we practice, the more we learn. The more we repeat, the more one with the process we become. The more we refine, the fewer byproducts emit. After an entire year of planning and prioritizing, the executive functioning skills surrounding Grenada 2024 are intact and have facilitated the perfect balance of adventure and rest. Fun and relaxation. Practice and non-attachment. Sthiram and sukham. All we need is you, there, with us, soaking in the sights, sounds, aromas, tastes and feels of the Spice Isle.

Abhyāsa, practice, is your āsana, prāṇāyāma, dhyānam, mantra. It’s well established when repeated for a long time, uninterrupted, with faith and amicable feelings. It’s also vihara niyama, lifestyle modifications. Planning a retreat has been a dream for a long time. As the dream became a vision, the vision a visualization, the visualization coupled with research a plan, the planning a daily practice, the daily practice a reality, this retreat preparation is Yoga for me. Our unfortunate cancellation has transformed this to serve as an even more cohesive and incredible opportunity for retreat, in its truest sense, to be a place for recuperation.


Our bhavana


You'll lose it if you don't use it